Shrubs, Hedges, Trees

Trees and Plants

Shrubs, hedges and trees benefit the bio-psycho-social health of us, our cities and towns and our whole environment. Prieto Landscaping will plant and maintain your shrubs, hedges and trees by appropriately providing the following services:

  • Shrub planting: Planting of all types of hedges and tree planting
  • Fruit tree care: pruning, dormant oil and lime sulphur applications
  • Soil amendment(s) for shrub, hedge, tree health and growth
  • Mulching
  • Fertilizing
  • Pruning: major, minor, thinning, shaping, removal of dead wood
  • Staking: installation and removal

Shrubs, hedges and trees not only play a vital role in our health and well-being, but they can increase economic stability.  From enhancing the exterior of a business, greening a town to attract tourists, or boosting the value of residential properties, trees play an integral role in our environment. 

Contact us for a quote today!